Dear Fellow Innovator,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the first Call for Proposals for the Grand Challenges-Karnataka, an initiative of the Government of Karnataka, under the newly launched Start-up Policy of the government, to scout for new technologies or innovations that can offer solutions to some of the longstanding issues pertaining to the state of Karnataka.
Grand Challenges, Karnataka aims to channelize innovations for social impact, and in the process support the establishment and growth of start-ups. The program is supported by the Karnataka Biotechnology and Information Technology Services (KBITS) as the funding agency and IKP Knowledge Park (IKP) as the implementation partner. Grand Challenges around five well defined priority questions will be taken up in the first phase.
The first Call focuses on addressing persistent problems in Water and Sewage Management. Innovative projects that have the potential for adaptation will be identified through two phases, the Prototyping Phase and the Pilot Phase.
The Challenge is to build a technology enabled system for real time monitoring of the quality of water discharge from the Sewage and / or Effluent Treatment Plants across the city.
§  Receives INR 10 lakhs grant to prototype and demonstrate solution in 6 months
§  Gets access to mentors, resources and network
§  Is eligible to compete for Phase II piloting grant of INR 50 lakhs
Please visit to apply. For more information, you can download the Program Overview here. We are happy to answer any questions to help you draft your application better. Do let your friends and colleagues who may be interested know about the opportunity.
May the best innovations win. Please visit to apply.
Thank you,
The Impact-Karnataka team


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